New Magic Item: Stones of Friendship

rune stonesI came up with this on my way home from work today, and thought I’d throw it up on the blog. I’m puzzling over another RPG problem, and I didn’t want to be too heavy handed in the implementation of a solution. I’m not sure I’ve arrived at a solution for that problem, but in the process, I came up with a new magic item for you to use in your campaign:

Stones of Friendship

These smooth obsidian stones all have the same ancient sigil engraved on them, and come in a set. Once per day, a holder of a stone can teleport adjacent to any other creature holding a stone from the same set, up to 1 mile. Requires attunement.

During creation, the stones all must have the same sigil engraved on them, and different sets can have different sigils. The stones from a set must all be attuned to each other by being fired in a kiln together for 24 hours. More expensive materials increase the quality of the effect, allowing for further teleportation.

I can see all sorts of fun uses for these stones. They make “split the party” scenarios possible, but I could also see the party slipping one in the pocket of an NPC they’d like to follow. Or maybe the assassin slips it in his target’s pocket in the market square, and then appears in her bedroom later that night…except maybe instead of arriving in the target’s bedroom, he arrives in a room filled with knights waiting for him because his target was wise to the trick… A party could also use them to cross a chasm – the character with Acrobatics crosses the rickety bridge, and then the Paladin in his full plate can just teleport next to him.

All sorts of fun stuff! Enjoy!

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